Monday, September 8, 2008

Geranium seeds

I am trying something new this year. I am attempting to collect seed from my geranium, sow them indoors in February and grow many beautiful pots of them next summer. Here is some info I got on-line. Has anyone else ever tried this?

A: If you've been deadheading your plants, stop pinching off the dead blooms so that you can prepare to collect the seeds. Because the pods of some geraniums are botanically designed to "launch" their seeds, a great way to collect geranium seeds is to tie a cloth bag around the flower to catch the seeds as they fall. Let the blooms die off naturally, and don't worry about frost. In most varieties, seeds are small, dark brown and oval in shape. Sow them indoors in early February and they should be ready to bloom around 12-16 weeks later. Seeds may need to be cold treated or nicked to encourage germination. Provide 12-14 hours of light per day and daytime temperatures of 70-75°F (60-65°F at night). Geraniums can also be propagated from stem cuttings.

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